Sensitive Soul Support

Episode 13 Stacey interviews Randi Hall, Grief Guide, about how to tend to our own grief and how to more effectively care for others while they are grieving.

Stacey Friedman Season 2 Episode 13

In this moving episode, Stacey talks with Randi Hall, Grief Guide, about how to tend to our own grief and how to more effectively care for others while they are grieving.

 Stacey Friedman, founder of Lucky Girl Health & Wellness, is on a mission to support highly sensitive people across the globe. An author, healer, empath educator & empowerment coach, Stacey supports her clients through their discovery that they aren't "too sensitive" like they've been told, but that they are actually Highly Sensitive People. An HSP and empath herself, Stacey provides education, inspiration and healing for other "30%ers" so they can feel peace, joy and lightness in their lives as she has done in her own.     

Randi Hall is a licensed marriage and family therapist, group facilitator and Grief Tender who lives in Philadelphia, PA in an intentional community with her husband and daughter. She dedicates her life to helping people feel less alone in their grief and to broadening our understanding of and capacity for honoring and ritualizing the grief that comes from being a human in our society. She works with people 1:1, in groups, workshops, and retreats. She facilitates personalized memorials, celebrations of life, divorce ceremonies, and provides professional education to those wanting to hold better space for the grieving experience.

IG: @realnessrising

FB: Getting Real with Grief Facebook Group